- Visitor and Guests---Guests and Visitors are welcome to park in any lot. Overnight visitors who require parking are expected to register with Public Safety.
- Handicapped Spaces---Restricted to vehicles displaying state issued handicapped placards or license plates.
- Visitor Spaces- reserved for visitor parking. Students,faculty, and staff are not considered visitors.
- Arrival Court (bricked area)---No parking any time.
- Arrival Court Drive---10 minute drop off/pick up parking in marked spaces only. No parking on bricked area.
- Alumni Lot- designated A permit and visitor only 24/7.
- Woods retail- Retail Spaces only. 30 minute parking for retail customers.
- Dolson Circle Drive- 20 minute parking for retail customers, except otherwise posted. Violators will be ticketed.
- Lot M1 (North St. Lot)---R & F decals -visitor pass required overnight.
- Lot M2 (Upper William St. Lot) --A, C, and R decals. Visitor pass required overnight
- Lot M3 (Hessler Lot) -- A & C permits only Mon-Fri 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., visitor pass required overnights.
- Lot M4 (Lower William St.) - A, C, & R decals - visitor pass required overnight
- Lot M5 (West Towne) - A & C, open parking 5p-2am. No parking 2AM -5AM
- Lot M6 (Worman Softball)-Event Parking, No Overnight
- Lot M7 (Kirkland Lot)---A & C decals only, No Parking 2AM-5AM
- Lot M8 (Staley Lot) --A decals and VISITORS only Mon-Fri 7AM-7PM, No parking 2AM-5AM
- Lot M9 (Wood St. Lot)---A, C, & R decals, visitor pass required for overnight parking
- Lot M10 (DISC) Lot ---A, G & F decals only
- Lot M11 (Westminster) - A & C decals only - No Parking 2AM-5AM
- No Parking between 7:30 AM-12PM on Sundays.
- Lot M12 (星空无限传媒 East/West)---LOT CLOSED