Hear from our Alumni

Our Students' Stories from Abroad
Listen to stories and hear advice from past MU students who have studied Abroad through our programs! If you're interested in connecting with alumni from a certain program, contact cie@millikin.edu.
MBA, B.S International Business
Paris School of Business, Fall 2019
Studying abroad was really a great experience for me because I had to meet other people from different countries, experience another culture, and also it was a challenge that helped me to learn about myself.
Take advantage of the opportunity to travel and be yourself. Explore new things, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. Be open to making new friends and meeting new people; don't limit yourself to those who speak the same language or have the same background as you.
Alida Mugisha, B.S International Business
Rotterdam Business School, Spring 2020
My experience was fun during the first months. But afterward, the pandemic started so everything was locked down. Therefore, I was limited on things to do. However, I still tried to make the best out of my time in The Netherlands.
My advice for anyone who is interested in studying abroad would be to 鈥淕O FOR IT鈥. It is always good to get out of your comfort zone. You will get to learn things about yourself you never knew. Moreover, being in a new world and meeting new people challenges you in a good way. You will have so much personal growth. In the end, it is so enjoyable to reflect on your amazing experience. You will also feel proud of yourself to have decided to do something out of the ordinary.
Sherine Tumushemeze, B.S International Business
Universidad Finis Terrae, Fall 2021
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic changed plans to study abroad. Although I would have preferred to physically study abroad, 星空无限传媒 still provided me with an opportunity to study abroad VIRTUALLY. In the Fall of 2021, I registered at the Universidad Finis Terrae (UFT) and took two classes. Studying abroad virtually was still a personal experience. I learned different business styles, developed relationships with people from all over the world. I am still in contact with some of them and hope to meet them in person one day. Also, virtually studying abroad saves you so much money. Technically, you get to travel for free. ;)
Alexander Bergland, Creative Marketing Applications
Netherlands InHolland -Tourism Management, Spring 2019
Absolutely incredible! I made so many new friends from all around the world, I visited a handful of new countries, and had the experience of a lifetime. I had the opportunity to engage in climate strikes, tour museums, bar hop in some of the best party cities, I wandered through national parks, and grew so much as a person. Go somewhere no one else from 星空无限传媒 is going and don鈥檛 take the school part so seriously! If faced with a choice between studying or going on a last minute trip to a new city, take the trip! You will learn so much more goofing off and exploring a new country than you will in the classroom. On a similar note, try to get out of your comfort zone as much as possible. Being on your own and out of your comfort zone makes you grow as a person and as a global citizen.
Angela Arnold, B.S International Business, French and Music鈥 minor
Summer 2019: in-person immersion to Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Finland
Fall 2020: virtual study abroad with Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile
Spring 2021: virtual study abroad with Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Ghent, Belgium
Spring 2021: virtual study abroad with Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile
Summer 2019 immersion: My experience in the Baltic states was an opportunity I never thought possible. I am grateful to Dr. Dean and my groupmates who made every day an adventure. Looking back now, I not only learned about the history of the region but also made incredible connections with the people and culture. This immersion was when I truly realized that I wanted to pursue a degree and a career that would encourage and expand upon my passion for global studies.
2020-2021 virtual study abroad: My three virtual study abroad experiences were not at all what I anticipated - mostly they taught me about the importance of adaptability and persistence. I was the first 星空无限传媒 student to patriciate in a virtual study abroad and I am thankful for the lessons it taught me. All I can emphasize is how lucky we are to live in an age where cultural exchanges are possible through the power of the internet and online learning!
Hannah Haedike, B.A Communication Major, Theater Minor
London Program, Fall 2019
Studying abroad in London has got to be one of my favorite and best memories while attending 星空无限传媒 University. I didn't realize how much I was going to learn about myself and grow as an individual. I learned how to be independent, keep an open mind while making life-long friendships with people all over Europe.
For students planning to study abroad, I would say DO IT. It's an experience you will never forget and you will learn so much about yourself and others while you're there. If you have the opportunity to save money before you go, DO IT. Traveling to other countries while staying in London was one of my favorite aspects of being there. Keep an open-minded, accept the opportunity to learn about other cultures, and become immersed in the experience. The more eager you are to partake in things outside of your comfort zone, the more you'll grow in ways you never expected you would! Go to shows, meet new people, travel, hang out with people you wouldn't "normally" hang out with, and don't be afraid to get lost - getting lost created some of the best memories!
Marissa Garcia, BFA Musical Theatre Major, Dance Minor
London Program, Fall 2019
I will never take this experience for granted. It was the most liberating experience of my life so far. It was the first time in my college career that I felt like an adult. I was granted more freedoms as well as some challenges along the way. Tuesday-Thursday we would have class. Those days were dedicated to learning all we could and get training as well as in-depth Shakespeare/theatre learning. The other days of the week were ours to explore Europe and London. Because of the London trip I was able to be cast as Roderigo in Othello for The National Women鈥檚 Theatre Festival before I graduated. The training is incredible and made me fall in love with Shakespeare all over again and in a new, beautiful way.
If you do not really have a very close friend going abroad with you it can be quite mentally challenging, but it is a curve that you will overcome with your friends together. I am glad that I went abroad even though I was not close with anyone on the trip. It did not stop me from my learning and training which was (and still is) the most important reason for going. Once I returned the transition from abroad to school is hard, and then the pandemic hit which made that challenge harder. However my best friend and I are still better then ever! Never let the fear that you will be without your close friend stop you. Also: please budget your trip. Set up some plans and trips before you go as well as set aside something for spur-of-the-moment adventures. My favorite trip was a solo trip with a friend I met in Germany. Non-planned trips allowed me an escape from the confines of the flat we all were living in. Last but not least, studying abroad opens your mind from the small world of 星空无限传媒. Being able to meet people from all over the world opened up my eyes and that in of itself, is truly remarkable.
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